Part I MCQ Overview

Exam Administered by the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC)

Upcoming Exams:

May 20-24, 26, 27, 2025 (Part I MCQ)

May 25, 2025 (Part II OSCE)


PharmPower is a leading developer of PEBC-style questions which are realistic and applicable to exams, as well as clinical practice.

Our multiple choice questions feature a combination of knowledge and application questions, with a detailed explanation for each correct answer.

  • Knowledge questions are simple to read and answer.  These questions often require memorization.

  • Application questions utilize knowledge to solve more difficult case-based problems where patients have multiple comorbidies and medications.  These questions often require thorough reading and understanding.

  • Our large repository of multiple choice questions gives you exposure to diverse therapeutic areas, allowing you to be prepared for the unique linear-on-the-fly testing style.

Our multiple choice questions cover important material which all entry-to-practice pharmacists should know.  Such information is taken from recommended resources including:

  • Compendium of Therapeutic Choices

  • Compendium of Therapeutics for Minor Ailments

Our multiple choice questions are tailored to the nine NAPRA competencies in the examination blueprint, which include:

  • Competency 1: Ethical, Legal and Professional Responsibilities

  • Competency 2: Patient Care

  • Competency 3: Product Distribution

  • Competency 4: Practice Setting

  • Competency 5: Health Promotion

  • Competency 6: Knowledge and Research Application

  • Competency 7: Communication and Education

  • Competency 8: Intra and Inter-Professional Collaboration

  • Competency 9: Quality and Safety

Make your effort count by choosing PharmPower today!  If you would like to see the PharmPower difference, try our free sample PEBC questions.


The PEBC Qualifying Exam is a registration requirement for pharmacists in Canada.  The exam tests for knowledge and skills expected by an entry-to-practice pharmacist, and consists of two parts - Part I (multiple choice) and Part II (objective structured clinical exam OSCE).  The exam is based on the nine pharmacist competencies outlined by NAPRA, each with assigned weightings and pass level.  The exam is offered twice per year.

The multiple choice portion of the Qualifying Exam consists of 200 questions as follows:

  • 150 of which are graded questions and 50 of which are pretest questions (not counted towards grading, but may be used for future exams).

  • The multiple choice exam is allotted 260 minutes.

For more information on the PEBC Pharmacist Qualifying Exam, visit the PEBC website here.

Choose Your Plan

PEBC MCQ Pharmacists
One time

Multiple Choice Questions ONLY for the Qualifying Exam (6 Month Access)

✓ Access to 2100 multiple choice questions
✓ Includes answer key with detailed explanations
✓ BONUS: Calculations Set
OSCE for Pharmacists
One time

OSCE Stations ONLY for the Qualifying Exam (6 Month Access)

✓ Access to 104 OSCE stations
✓ Features interactive and non-interactive cases
✓ Includes expected responses and grading criteria
✓ BONUS: Prescription Checking Practice Set (130 questions)
✓ BONUS: Medical Device Counselling Guide
PEBC for Pharmacists
One time

Comprehensive MCQ + OSCE Practice Set for the Qualifying Exam (6 Month Access)

✓ Access to 2100 multiple choice questions
✓ Access to 104 OSCE stations
✓ Includes answer key with detailed explanations
✓ BONUS: Calculations Set
✓ BONUS: Prescription Checking Set and Medical Device Guide