Part II OSPE Overview
Exam Administered by the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC)
Upcoming Exam:
Apr 2, 2025 (Part I MCQ)
Apr 5, 2025 (Part II OSPE)
PharmPower is a leading developer of PEBC-style questions which are realistic and applicable to exams, as well as clinical practice.
Our OSPE cases feature a combination of interactive and non-interactive stations, with a detailed explanation of a complete answer.
Interactive cases require communication with a patient, caregiver or prescriber. Our cases are designed to improve your interviewing and critical thinking skills. Each case allows you to pre-select from a list of questions to gather more information to solve a drug therapy problem or demonstrate a device.
Non-interactive cases involve formulating a written response, including prescription checking, compliance pack checking, medication history gathering and sterile/non-sterile compounding procedures. These non-interactive cases simulate tasks performed while working in a community and hospital environment.
Our OSPE cases are tailored to the nine NAPRA competencies in the examination blueprint, which include:
Competency 1: Ethical, Legal and Professional Responsibilities
Competency 2: Patient Care
Competency 3: Product Distribution
Competency 4: Practice Setting
Competency 5: Health Promotion
Competency 6: Knowledge and Research Application
Competency 7: Communication and Education
Competency 8: Intra and Inter-Professional Collaboration
Competency 9: Quality and Safety
Make your effort count by choosing PharmPower today! If you would like to see the PharmPower difference, try our free sample PEBC questions.
The PEBC Qualifying Exam is a registration requirement for pharmacy technicians in Canada. The exam tests for knowledge and skills expected by an entry-to-practice pharmacy technician, and consists of two parts - Part 1 (multiple choice) and Part 2 (objective structured performance examination OSPE). The exam is based on the nine pharmacy technician competencies outlined by NAPRA, each with assigned weightings and pass level. The exam is offered twice per year.
The OSPE portion of the Qualifying Exam consists of 12 stations as follows:
5 interactive cases, 4 non-interactive cases, 1 non-interactive video case and 2 pretest cases (not counted towards grading, but may be used for future cases)
These stations are organized into two sessions, and 6 minutes are allotted for each station.
For more information on the PEBC Technician Qualifying Exam, visit the PEBC website here.
Choose Your Plan
Comprehensive MCQ + OSPE practice set for the Qualifying Exam (6 Month Access)
Multiple Choice Questions ONLY for the Qualifying Exam (6 Month Access)
OSPE Stations ONLY for the Qualifying Exam (6 Month Access)